How Do I Legally Change My Minor Child’s Name?

January 9th, 2020 by Tiffany Hughes

There are many reasons why you may want to change the name of your child, including divorce, adoption, or after establishing paternity. In the State of Illinois, you will need court approval to legally change your minor child’s name. The process of correctly filling out the court forms, filing the forms with the Clerk, providing notice to the other parent, publishing your notice with a newspaper and appearing for a hearing can be a confusing and complex process. You should contact a family law attorney today at The Law Office of Tiffany Hughes today who can help walk you through the legal process of changing your child’s name.

What If I Object to the Other Parent Changing My Child’s Name?

If you have received notice from the other parent seeking to change your child’s name and you object to the name change, you will be required to file your formal objection in court immediately. You will only have a short period of time to file your objection and you will then need to appear at the court hearing to explain to the Judge why changing the name of your minor child is not in your child’s best interest. The Judge will have to make a decision based on the arguments presented at the hearing. If you receive notice of a name change, you should call the Law Office of Tiffany Hughes immediately to discuss your legal options, to draft and file your objection, and to represent you in court.

Am I Required to Publish Notice of My Child’s Name Change If I am a Victim of Domestic Violence?

If you are a victim of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault or discrimination, you might not have to public notice of your name change request in a newspaper. You can file a motion requesting the court waive the publication requirement if one of the following circumstances is true:

  • You have or have previously had an Order of Protection, a Stalking No Contact Order, a Civil No Contact Order, or a Protective Order, issued in someone else’s criminal court case;
  • You are or have been a protected person under someone else’s bail conditions; or
  • You are at risk of harm or discrimination.

If you or a member of your household is at risk of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault, you should contact an attorney at the Law Office of Tiffany Hughes immediately to ensure you can safely change your child’s name without providing the other abusive parent with your personal information, such as where you live.

Contact Us Today 

Changing your name or a family member’s name is a major decision and one that often requires you to petition the court. The highly experienced attorneys at The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, one of the most reputable family law firms in Chicago, thoroughly understand the name change process and what is necessary to secure the best result possible. For more information on how the family law attorneys at The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C. can help you legally change your child’s name in the State of Illinois, contact us today to schedule your complementary consultation at 773-893-0228.

This blog is made available by The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C. for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of Illinois law, not to provide specific legal advice. By using this website you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C.. The website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in Illinois.  The law changes constantly and we do not go back in time to edit old posts that may be affected by these changes.  If you have any questions about Illinois law, which is the only State this blog and website discusses, please call The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C. for a free consultation and do not draw any legal conclusions without speaking to a competent attorney in Illinois first.

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Law Office of Tiffany Hughes - Tiffany M. Hughes