What Are The Consequences of Not Paying Child Support? 

December 22nd, 2023 by Tiffany Hughes

Child support is an ongoing, court-ordered payment made by a child’s parent for the financial benefit of the child. Child support ensures that children experience financial stability and a predictable standard of living, regardless of with which parent the children reside. There are several factors that courts consider when computing child support obligations, including each parent’s income, each parent’s potential earning capacity, the financial resources of the parents, and the needs of the children.

What Are The Consequences of Not Paying Child Support? 

When a parent fails to pay child support, there can be severe consequences. Some of these measures include suspension of the parent’s driver’s license, reporting to credit bureaus, liens on property, interception of state and federal tax returns, and wage garnishments. Eventually, unpaid child support can lead to contempt of court, criminal charges, and even jail time. The severity of the penalty depends on how long the parent has gone without paying child support, the amount of support owed, and the parent’s willingness to cooperate with the court.

None of these penalties relieve a parent of their duty to pay unpaid child support. Any unpaid child support adds up and becomes an overdue debt called arrearage. Arrearage continues to be due and accrues interest even after a child has turned 18.

There are many reasons why a parent may not be able to make a scheduled child support payment, including changes to his or her employment and unanticipated financial hardship. In these cases, the parent must petition to the court regarding the change of circumstances and attempt to justify their nonpayment. If they are successful, the parent may be able to modify or suspend their child support obligation and avoid the consequences described above.

Contact The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes for more information

If you are struggling to pay or need to enforce a child support obligation, call The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes today. Tiffany Hughes and her team of skilled Attorneys at The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes are well versed in navigating issues involving child support and more. For more information on how the family law attorneys at The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes can help, contact us to schedule your complimentary phone consultation today at 773-893-0228 or Tiffanyhughes@thugheslaw.com.

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Law Office of Tiffany Hughes - Tiffany M. Hughes